Wednesday, November 17

廣本心經曼陀羅 MTV

Prajñā Pāramitā Mandala MTV

My friend Colan emailed me a hyperlink that leads to pictures of two Buddhist monks creating a stunning mandala. i happened to have a copy of the Prajñā Pāramitā Hrdaya Sūtram (the "Heart Sutra," 心經) chanted by Wong Faye—one of Asia's favourite divas. So i spent a rainy weekend throwing them together.

Click image or link to open mtv in new window. The button in mtv begins play. If you read Chinese, the "lyrics" is below.

BTW, most of the folks who emailed to tell david they loved the piece were, not so surprisingly, neither Chinese nor Buddhist.

西天譯經三藏朝奉大夫試光祿卿傳法大師賜紫臣施護奉  詔譯

如是我聞  一時世尊  在王舍城鷲峰山中  與大苾芻眾千二百五十人俱  并諸菩薩摩訶薩眾  而共圍繞

爾時世尊  即入甚深光明宣說正法三摩地

時觀自在菩薩摩訶薩在佛會中  而此菩薩摩訶薩  已能修行甚深般若波羅蜜多  觀見五蘊自性皆空

爾時尊者舍利子  承佛威神  前白觀自在菩薩摩訶薩言  若善男子善女人  於此甚深般若波羅蜜多法門  樂欲修學者  當云何學

時觀自在菩薩摩訶薩  告尊者舍利子言  汝今諦聽為汝宣說

若善男子善女人  樂欲修學此甚深般若波羅蜜多法門者  當觀五蘊自性皆空  何名五蘊自性空耶  所謂  即色是空  即空是色  色無異於空  空無異於色  受想行識亦復如是

舍利子  此一切法如是空相  無所生  無所滅  無垢染  無清淨  無增長  無損減  舍利子  是故空中無色  無受想行識  無眼耳鼻舌身意  無色聲香味觸法  無眼界  無眼識界  乃至無意界  無意識界  無無明  無無明盡  乃至無老死  亦無老死盡  無苦集滅道  無智  無所得  亦無無得

舍利子  由是無得故  菩薩摩訶薩  依般若波羅蜜多相應行故  心無所著  亦無罣礙  以無著無礙故  無有恐怖  遠離一切顛倒妄想  究竟圓寂

所有三世諸佛  依此般若波羅蜜多故  得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提

是故應知  般若波羅蜜多  是廣大明  是無上明  是無等等明  而能息除一切苦惱  是即真實無虛妄法  諸修學者  當如是學


tadyatā  gate  gate  pāragate  pārasamgate  bodhi svāhā

舍利子  諸菩薩摩訶薩  若能誦是般若波羅蜜多明句  是即修學甚深般若波羅蜜多

爾時世尊  從三摩地安詳而起  讚觀自在菩薩摩訶薩言  善哉善哉  善男子  如汝所說  如是如是  般若波羅蜜多  當如是學  是即真實最上究竟  一切如來亦皆隨喜

佛說此經已  觀自在菩薩摩訶薩  并諸苾芻  乃至世間天  人  阿修羅  乾闥婆等  一切大眾  聞佛所說  皆大歡喜  信受奉行



Anonymous said...

看了video, 看到最後的四句, 被震動了!

{聚水藏風} said...

你集合的 MTV 可以讓我轉寄給朋友嗎? 上次收到的並沒有英文說明哩
先謝過 阿彌陀佛

Anonymous said...

這類的東西造出來…唔…弘法是不敢當,但與大家結個善緣也是美事。Link 多多「益善」,請隨便。

Cat_Tea_Coffee said...


Anonymous said...

這篇心經比平常人們唸那個譯本交待比較多來龍去脈... 那句咒前面為何多了個 "tadyatā" 呢?

Anonymous said...

"tadyatā" 是梵文“如是”— 意謂「即說咒曰」。

Anonymous said...

Thus did I hear at one time. The Bhagavan was dwelling on Mass of Vultures Mountain in Rajagriha together with a great community of monks and a great community of bodhisattvas. At that time, the Bhagavan was absorbed in the concentration on
the categories of phenomena called "Profound Perception."

Also, at that time, the bodhisattva mahasattva arya Avalokiteshvara looked upon the very practice of the profound perfection of wisdom and beheld those five aggregates also as empty of inherent nature. Then, through the power of Buddha, the venerable Shariputra said this to the bodhisattva mahasattva arya Avalokiteshvara:

"How should any son of the lineage train who wishes to practice the activity of the profound perfection of wisdom?"

He said that and the bodhisattva mahasattva arya Avalokiteshvara said this to the venerable Sharadvatiputra.

"Shariputra, any son of the lineage or daughter of the lineage who wishes to practice the activity of the profound perfection of wisdom should look upon it like this, correctly and repeatedly beholding those five aggregates also as empty of inherent nature."

"Form is empty. Emptiness is form. Emptiness is not other than form;
form is also not other than emptiness. In the same way, feeling, discrimination, compositional factors,and consciousness are empty."

"Shariputra, likewise, all phenomena are emptiness; without characteristic; unproduced, unceased; stainless, not without stain; not deficient, not fulfilled. "Shariputra, therefore, in emptiness there is no form, no feeling, no discrimination, no compositional factors, no consciousness;no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no visual form, no sound, no odor, no taste, no object of touch, and no phenomenon.There is no eye element and so on up to and including no mind element and no mental consciousness element. There is no ignorance, no extinction of ignorance, and so on up to and including no aging and death and no extinction of aging and death.
Similarly, there is no suffering, origination, cessation, and path; there is no exalted wisdom, no attainment, and also no nonattainment."

"Shariputra, therefore, because there is no attainment, bodhisattvas rely on and dwell in the perfection of wisdom, the mind without obscuration and without fear. Having completely passed beyond error, they reach the end-point of nirvana. All the buddhas who dwell in the three times also manifestly, completely awaken to unsurpassable, perfect, complete enlightenment in reliance on the perfection of wisdom."

"Therefore, the mantra of the perfection of wisdom, the mantra of great knowledge, the unsurpassed mantra, the mantra equal to the unequaled, the mantra that thoroughly pacifies all suffering, should be known as truth since it is not false.
The mantra of the perfection of wisdom is declared:"


"Shariputra, the bodhisattva mahasattva should train in the profound perfection of wisdom like that."

Then the Bhagavan arose from that concentration and commended the bodhisattva mahasattva arya Avalokiteshvara saying:

"Well said, well said, son of the lineage, it is like that. It is like that; one should practice the profound perfection of wisdom just as you have indicated; even the tathagatas rejoice."

The Bhagavan having thus spoken, the venerable Sharadvatiputra,the bodhisattva mahasattva arya Avalokiteshvara,those surrounding in their entirety along with the world of gods, humans, asuras,and gandharvas were overjoyed and highly praised that spoken by the Bhagavan.

Anonymous said...
