Thursday, May 26



davidMy Funny Valentine 2005 o結局篇曾經話:

「一個人不假思索地相信的所謂『實情』,通常不是真的 —— 往往些許質疑也經不起。」

J,須知多數人係相信:呢個世界係一個基於利益(唔係友情)o既互動遊戲;各人(媒體、商人、情人、同事、甚至子女)嘗試去影響他人時,都係從利益o既平衡或 maximization 出發。我幫人地洗腦、自己又俾另一批人洗腦、人云亦云,於是就產生o左呢個輕重是非不分o既反智世代:

  • 「千祈唔好叫我用腦!」(點解冇人工加o既呢?)
  • 「出o黎吹下牛,relax o下!」(亂講說話同鬆馳有乜關係?)
  • 「我諗住疊樓實會升家嘛!」(兩、三萬蚊尺o個陣)
  • 「你話點就點,我咪好冇面?」
  • blah, blah, blah...

我唔係高高在上搞道德批判 (妳知我唔興),而係經過o左無數教訓,我發覺o左如果學以上 D 街坊咁樣過生活,而仲想開心,成功o既機會非常接近零。


david o既朋友有兩批。一批係「甩甩漏漏」窮開心o既波希米亞「浪人」,另一批係「乜都有」o既所謂專業人士。Well,數數手指,前o個批統統冇事、自得快活。後者有近一半睇緊心理/精神醫生 — 思覺失調又有、緊張又有、抑鬱又有……


Life is not remotely like what we're asked—or brainwashed—every day to see.

david 仔好彩o既話,一生已經過o左一半,唔好彩o既就過左大半咯。所以自知實行起上o黎對人o地、對自己o既安樂、自由都冇助益o既行動,幾 norm、幾「合理」(如炒樓、追名牌、求發達之類) 都無謂制咯。相比之下,俾人覺得所謂「唔合作」、「唔成熟」係小事一件。



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五體投地。德清大師公認係「頂莊嚴」;苦口婆心,好明顯唔係敷衍緊我oD 小輩。


Sunday, May 22


William-Adolphe Bouguereau - Orestes Pursued by the Furies


小衲即刻除o左件 T-shirt 同條 501,穿住孖煙通人字拖開門,用主恩賜o既肥美身體,嚇走o左兩位神o既使者;場面悲壯。

Friday, May 20


小踢將小衲 1998 年個 homepage o既鬼魂招o左番o黎。



Sunday, May 15

happy birthday Old Chap

Om Mune Mune Mahamunaye Svaha
The Shakyamuni Buddha at Samye(桑耶寺),
the oldest monastery in Tibet.

On his birthday, david would like to reiterate a charming tale about the Buddha.

After Prince Gotama Siddhartha had attained nirvana, the final liberation from greed, aggression, ignorance, and the self, he rose from his spot underneath the Bodhi tree, and walked down the road in bliss.

Now, legend has it that the prince was an outrageously handsome man before he flipped from the palace to become a samana. So, here's this good-looking man walking down the road—peace and equanimity down to his fingertips and radiating perfect happiness... he did not even look human. People could not help but walked up to the man and greeted him.

"Sir, you look so special," the folks bowed and enquired. "Are you a deity, a deva?"

"No," the prince answered.

"Are you some kind of mahasiddi or magician then?


"So, what are you, Sir?"

"I am awake."

Apparently that's how the prince got the title "Buddha," which is Sanskrit for "the Awakened One." The new nickname stuck.

Oxfam E-Newsletter May 2005
今天與其去放生(放生落香港個海?),不如考慮幫o下 D 想自助天助o既老友記

Sunday, May 8

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

A friend of david's who works in the medical profession is beaten aback by the passing-away of a patient who was, eh, different.


Here's how she felt:

he was said the best guy, he lived without spite, he was so benovolent to help ppl who needs help, he was gracious to forgive those who blasted him, there was no gossip from his mouth, he always had a book on his hands...he's only 50s...

such a good man who left without giving us a sign, without envoi...he left so silent,so sudden...

saying that the death isn't awesome to me...

but when it's really close to u, how can u cope with it...?

Dear Goodness, i'd have taken it personally, too. In all due admiration for the deceased and the thoughts of my friend, this was my response:

david would have thrown a party to celebrate the honour that a real man has lived among us.

And i would make dead sure of the three cheers before the customary silence.

david never met the man; i'm missing him already.

It's a life-aim of mine, among very few other ones, to somehow become as giving, understanding, and righteous as the man. But, instead of the 50-something years which he had, idiotSupremo is planning without much hope to reach where he was in fewer than sixteen lifetimes.


Please. Click on the "COMMENT" link below, and give the man a round of applause.


Sunday, May 1

what's the difference a date makes?

Oh well...

The best remedy to parting ways with a dead-end date or—for that matter—having no dates, is getting six of them.

Yes, you heard it. Got doubts? Make it 10 then.

I have put the remedy to the test. It works. Trust me.

Three years ago, the woman whom i had been seeing justly figured that i wasn't "security" material {My name is Bond; Junk Bond.} and walked.

The next few days—as you can imagine—i was in a brooding mood. It didn't take long though (≈3 days and 10 hours) before i decided that's no way to remain. I asked myself the obvious question: "How does one stop dwelling on a dating partner?"

"Dwell on 10," a voice in my head blurted.

Although the answer came from myself, it still sounded like a bad joke. But it began making good sense after some contemplation. For one, it's hard to be obsessed with one date when there are half a dozen. Two; the idea sounded like so much fun that it might be worth a shot just for the hell of it.

So david went a-trying. Among the "haves" that most women seemed to look for—physique, looks, security, status, top education—I got none, so I focused on what I could do. During the next few weeks, I smiled and said hello to everyone whose eyes caught mine. Yes, guys too; hell knows if they aren't going to introduce david to their sisters. Smiling and hellos are free, aren't they?

"Seem" indeed it was. It turned out that a smile and bit of empathy were rarer attributes in Hong Kong than the deep pocket. david ended up going out with seven new friends in the following month—among them an architect with a delightful blush, and a Colombian emerald trader.

The bull-market in the shares of idiotSupremo continued to run until a year later. Then i decided that kind, stylish friends were infinitely more interesting than a "life-partner." There is more respect, laughter, and fewer value projections. I stopped asking for phone numbers.


It was fun while it lasted and, hey, I learnt a few things...

Millions of folks around the world believe that a date is something they wait for Fate to hand out. {Chuck the date into my mailbox with the newspaper please, and ring my doorbell.} In this night, therefore, many of them are entering their nth dateless month, or year. Goodness knows what kind of pressure they would put upon themselves when a date finally comes along. They will probably be lime green and bent out of shape at the rendezvous. That being the case, you can guess the outcome...

On the flip-side, if you had three or four dates lined up for the coming week, you wouldn't feel like a deity if any one goes well, or take it too personally if it flopped. Equanimity is more attractive than confidence, which is often faked anyways. On top of that, you may also discover that there's a galaxy of adorable qualities out there besides what you deem to be your "type."

Armed with the "cold-blooded" knowledge that there are heaps more of them dates down the line, you may also develop some psychological room to actually smile and be yourself at the dinner without sweaty palms.

One last thing. Many folks david knows harbour a self-image that's dismal in comparison to the exquisite person whom others see in them. Meeting some strangers might finally hammer home the realization that everybody else has a higher regard of their qualities than themselves. The ego is indeed one's worst enemy.


Two years down the road, about half of the women whom I saw during the aforementioned days have remained close buddies. In fact, I made an effort to treat four of them to dinner in the past three weeks. So... the "crazy" array of dates turned out to be a sound move after all. The friendships forged that year have sailed through the test of time.

So david should perhaps start asking for telephone numbers again. Leave me yours, my friend, if you like, and let's go get a glass of wine.